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Tag Archives: PERSONAL

Ad-hoc tonight, I plugged in my hard-drive and while navigating to directories randomly I came across one picture, I learned that this picture was taken around five years back and finding that picture suddenly make me think about some of the people with whom I spent remarkable time of  my life.

The picture churned my abdomen to the core and invoked my quest to find more of photos. Investing fifteen minutes of time on search gradually turn futile and left me disappointed of fact that I had not much memory left with me and hence decided to close the window, but before I do that my cornea found a hidden folder titled

“Get busy living or Get busy Dying”

I pulled up the contents and learned that these were the songs which I collected long back and for no-reason to my knowledge I titled those collection as  “ Get busy living or Get busy dying

While playing the collection, I concluded that every song you listen in life carry a memory of time with it, soon as you listen the song back the memory associated with the event comes back to you and I was not an exception.  Having played songs,  neurons triggered and with the speck of time all my memories came back to me, leaving my eye -balls enlarged and petrified.

I recalled, that I used to listen these collections lying on top of my old apartment roof penthouse, while in the mid-night when the world around me find themselves in sound sleep and leaving me as lone star completely enjoying the  void black skyframe beautified by tunes and for no-reason endlessly gazing the sky frame of time hovered  over my world.

The silence of self-presence in time and floating on thin layer of  world and watching the city, sky and you in that moment was turned as priceless memory.

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Cindy Cue - Harshit Pandey's Blog

America is globally known for its famous haunting sites, among these sites, the state of Texas holds the crown. You may have heard lots of haunting stories , to experience in real come to San Antonio, Texas.

My roomies and other colleagues, on 31st  December decided to visit a well known site in San Antonio known as Cindy Sue Railroad Crossing. For your information, I currently live in San Marcos almost 50 mins away from city of San Antonio and 60 mins away from this hot point

You may be wondering, what is this railroad ghost. To make it clear, I’ll explain in brief.

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